Sunday, October 31, 2010

People that are our Rays of Light and Hope By Kuyong Chuin (Pseudonym) 05:53 October 31, 2010

We all have had people that come into our lives at one time or another that has had a hand in shaping the person we are today. From the teachers that taught us in school, to the friends and people we have met while traveling this road of life that we are on. Some have changed our lives for the better. Some have changed our lives in such a way that we will never be the same for the good or the bad. Some have brought light and hope to our lives. While some have brought a never ending hurt, pain, and darkness to our lives that will never go away no matter how much we try to rid ourselves of it. Some days you want to just go to sleep and never wake up but it is the friends that bring you that light of hope and God that gets you through another day. For this we should all let those that bring this light and hope to you know how much we care about them and thank them for just being there even if they don’t know that they did anything at all let them know what they did for you and love them for it. And thank God each and every day for blessing you with those friends that brings you light and hope.
So to all those friends and family who bring me a ray of light and hope I say Thank you and that I will always love you for it.